International Day of Persons with Disabilities



The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is commemorated on December 3 of each year.

This day was declared official in 1992 by the General Assembly of the United Nations to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as raise awareness about the situation they live in every day in a social, economic, and political way, among other aspects.

Why is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Commemorated?

As is well known, there is a high number of persons with disabilities in the population. Based on the 2020 Population and Housing Census, only in Mexico, it was calculated that approximately 4.9% of the country’s total population has some kind of disability.

It is considered persons with disabilities when there is some difficulty carrying out basic activities such as walking, seeing, listening, remembering, communicating, or taking care of themselves.

This day is commemorated with the aim of raising awareness about the inclusion of the community with disabilities and how their rights must be respected and protected.

What Types of Disability Are There?

There are more than five different types of disabilities, not to mention that there are persons with disabilities who have more than one.

Physical Disability

This type of disability is characterized by partial or total limitation in the limbs or organs. These people may have difficulty walking, moving, or holding something, among other activities. However, this does not prevent them from carrying out their activities with the help of devices or adaptations to their environment.

Intellectual Disability

Its main characteristic, as its name says, is the significant limitation in intellectual functioning, as well as in adaptive behavior.

Mental Disability

Unlike intellectual disability, what characterizes mental disability are alterations or deficiencies in the neural system that lead to a person’s cognitive dysfunction.

Psychosocial Disability

This type of disability is caused by a temporary or permanent deficiency of the mind focused in a social environment.

Visual Disability

In this case, the total or partial loss of the field of vision is the main characteristic.

Hearing Impairment

People with hearing disabilities live with the total or partial loss of their hearing apparatus.

Sensory and Communication Disability

This type of disability can involve a combination of visual or hearing impairment, as well as difficulty communicating.

Multiple Disability

This type of disability recognizes that a person can have multiple disabilities, such as a combination of mental and visual disabilities, among others.

Dolphin Discovery, an Inclusive Company


During 2021 Dolphin Discovery made a social commitment to carry out inclusive activities and improvements at the corporate level in relation to persons with disabilities.

During the year, training was given by professionals, which accredited the participation of part of the corporate personnel. These pieces of training focused on Mexican Sign Language, disability in Mexico and its different aspects, as well as awareness activities.


Likewise, Dolphin Discovery attended the Eduard Huet Multiple Attention Center (CAM) to carry out educational and sensory activities, as well as talks that brought the children closer to knowing what it is like to live an experience with Marine Mammals.

Manatee Month

During September month, the first cycle of inclusive conferences on caring for the environment in Cancun was concluded as part of the commemorative activities of International Manatee Day.

The event had more than 200 attendees, of which 50% were persons with disabilities with different visual, auditory, and/or motor abilities. Everyone was able to enjoy talks about Manatees and sensory experiences, as well as material in Braille and a Mexican Sign Language interpreter. In addition, some activities were shared through exclusive content on social networks.


It is planned that by 2023, the Specialists of each Habitat will be trained in Mexican Sign Language, have the appropriate orientation for the Braille language, and have completed courses to raise awareness towards persons with disabilities.

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