CANCUN, QUINTANA ROO 22nd October 2013

Trash is “fashionable” on our planet, unfortunate but true. In our country at least 16 Mexican beaches are highly contaminated, according to The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA). The most polluted beaches in Mexico are in Del Pueblo, La Ropa and Las Gatas in Zihuatanejo Bay.PROFEPA indicates that fecal waste, sewage, garbage and industrial waste pollute the beaches of the Mexican Republic. The beach pollution is serious because in addition to affect us, many marine species are being pushed to extinction. Species such as the sea turtle, leatherback turtle, seaweed species and marine mammals such as whales and sea porpoise among others are being affected.

Mexico is a privileged country for its great biodiversity and its waters are home to nearly half of all species of cetaceans in the world. In addition many of these species have chosen our shores to mate and bear their young each year.


At Dolphin Discovery we are aware of the growing problem on the dirty beaches of our country, because of this Dolphin Discovery with Moon Palace Foundation volunteers meet constantly and join forces to clean up beach communities.This time it was the turn of Moon Beach Palace Complex, the date was October 22 starting at 8:00 am cleaning to the northern part of the Sunrise Hotel.

Gathering all the necessary materials: latex gloves and giant garbage bags, the volunteers walked along the beach picking up all the trash that was disregarded on the beach area around to the hotel.


The garbage collected was placed in garbage bags, a total of 10 bags of about 20-25 kg each were pooled. Later each bag was sorted separating the recyclables between PET plastic (water bottles, soda, etc), hard plastic (juice containers, detergent, milk and soap), glass, Styrofoam trash and debris, the list is endless.The majority of the trash found was hard plastic, although we were surprised by the high amount of bottle caps found.


Dolphin Discovery is always happy and proud to be involved with leading by example in these events and we are determined to raise environmental awareness, especially in our children about the importance of keeping our beaches clean. Using the Rule 3 Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse is a simple way to help our environment, protecting our biodiversity and us.We will continue with this work, there are still many beaches that need our help. You can make a difference … join forces with us and this worthwhile cause!!!

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