Everyone loves sea lions, aside from being so handsome they seem to have a great sense of humour, always making us laugh. So, what do you know about sea lions? Let’s have a look at some facts:
– Sea lions are found all over the world, from the Arctic to New Zealand, usually found along rocky coasts where there are rich food sources such as sardines, herring, capelin and squid.
– They can be distinguished from seals by their visible external ear flaps.
– Sea lions are “pinnipeds’, meaning they have “winged feet”.
– – Male sea lions are called bulls, females cows and babies pups.
– They are marine mammals, meaning they do not lay eggs. They carry their babies in their tummy between eight to eleven months and their pups are born on land and will nurse from their mother from four to twelve months.
– Male sea lions are called bulls, females cows and babies pups.
– They have a lifespan of ten to fifteen years in the wild and in a healthy zoological environment they can live up to twenty five to thirty five years.
– This cute animals are warm blooded, covered in a layer of fat that protect them from cold temperatures.
– Sea lions can remain underwater for up to forty minutes if hunting for food, accomplished by squeezing their nostrils shut tight.
– They are very social, they usually live in large colonies or pods that are up to one thousand members, that are subdivided in smaller groups.
– Sea lions aren’t lazy, but they love to hang around on the rocks and bask in the sun.
– This marine mammal is intelligent and easy to train, the military has been training them for years for rescue operations in the sea.
– The biggest danger for sea lions are the fishers, pollution and climate change. Their predators are killer whales and sharks, though they can swim faster than both they can be taken by surprise.
We’ll love to invite you and get to know better this cute animals, you can find them in different Dolphin Discovery habitats like in; Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Six Flags Mexico City and Gulf World.

Sea lion encounter
Live this once in a lifetime experience with the adorable sea lions, get a hug, a fishy-smell kiss and even a hive five with our Sea Lion Encounters programs.
Please remember to keep our oceans and beaches clean, plastic bags, six-pack rings, and all type of garbage is very dangerous to the sea lions and their environment. Help us out and protect the incredible marine life, when you go to the beach pick up your trash and educate the little ones. Spread the word, if each of us do our small part all earth creatures will have a brighter future.