Fundación Dolphin Discovery signed an Agreement with Benefited Association | Dolphin Discovery | Blogs

Fundación Dolphin Discovery signed an Agreement with Benefited Association

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1 Within the frame of the event “10,000 smiles”, a press conference took place where Fundación Dolphin Discovery signed an agreement with the associations of Quintana Roo that were benefited by the 6th edition of “10,000 smiles”: Orgullo Ciudadano A.C., Vida y Familia A.C. and Casa de la Amistad para niños con cancer I.A.P.

Within the frame of the event “10,000 smiles”, a press conference took place where Fundación Dolphin Discovery signed an agreement with the associations of Quintana Roo that were benefited by the 6th edition of “10,000 smiles”: Orgullo Ciudadano A.C., Vida y Familia A.C. and Casa de la Amistad para niños con cancer I.A.P.

The assistants to the conference were Guadalupe Jiménez, Board Member of Fundación Dolphin Discovery, Lizbeth Santoyo, President of Orgullo Ciudadano A.C., Paola Cornejo, Manager of Fundación Dolphin Discovery, Patricia Vázquez, CEO of Vida y Familia A.C., and Baltazar Madrid, CEO of Casa de la Amistad, who had the chance of carrying out an educational tour through the premises of Dolphin Discovery Isla Mujeres together with the media, getting to know the Animal Welfare programs that are currently active in the habitat.
Volunteers on the 10 thousand smiles event

Volunteers on the 10 thousand smiles event

During the event, several activities were carried out for the little ones. They got their face painted, there was a piñata, a trampoline, and of course, they swam with the dolphins. There were clowns, games, music, and an educational stand to create awareness in adults and children about environmental care, a stand of nameplates from To Love is To Care, the campaign for pets, and also the kids were able to immortalize their hands in a big canvas dedicated to the event.
Fundación Dolphin Discovery

Canvas for 10 thousand smiles event

The goal in México was to reach $1,200,000.00 pesos, so that Fundación Dolphin Discovery I.A.P. could give help to the benefited foundations, kids with cancer, attention to the elderly regarding diet, integration to the social environment, clothing, and health support; as well as providing help to pregnant women in a vulnerable situation, kids in street situation and abandonment, scholarships to children of scarce resources, and to provide environmental education to elementary students.


“We are happy to announce that this year the response of the guests was very positive and similar to previous years. This was because people cared about carrying out the activities besides spending time with their families, and as a consequence of this, the vulnerable groups are benefited”

Said Guadalupe Jiménez, Board Member of Fundación Dolphin Discovery.