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Anatomy of the Dolphins


Dolphin Day is approaching, and celebrating this special date, in this new blog we want to tell you some curiosities about the anatomy of the Dolphins, these incredible Marine Mammals that surprise us so much.

What are Dolphins?

Dolphins are one of the most incredible beings. Their unique characteristics make them very fascinating to study. Dolphin anatomy is a relatively new field of research, but many interesting things have already been discovered about them.

Dolphins are Marine Mammals belonging to the Delphinidae family; there are approximately 34 species, and they are characterized by an average size of 1.25-10 m long. They are knowledgeable and skilled. They can swim up to 30 kilometers per hour. They are social beings and communicate with each other through a wide range of sounds, which they also use to echolocate their prey.

At Dolphin Discovery, you will be able to discover everything about the species (Tursiops truncatus), better known as the bottlenose, which is one of the most popular and charismatic.

@dolphindiscovery Los delfines tienen diferentes vocalizaciones y es así como se comunican 😱🐬 #delfines #loaprendientiktok ♬ sonido original – dolphindiscovery

What is the Anatomy of the Dolphins?

One of the peculiarities about the anatomy of the Dolphins is that their body is shaped like American football, which gives them a hydrodynamic shape. Their skin is smooth and they are hairless, except when they are newborns.

They have three types of fins; the caudal fin has no bones and is responsible for propulsion. The pectoral fins serve as arms and are the only ones with bone, and the dorsal fin provides stability while swimming.

Learn these and more curiosities about the anatomy of the Dolphins up close with the Interactive Swims that Dolphin Discovery has for you.

Characteristics of Marine Mammals

In addition to the incredible experience of Swimming with Dolphins, you will also meet the cute Manatees and the fun Sea Lions at Dolphin Discovery. As an advance, in addition to some information about the anatomy of the Dolphins that we have mentioned, here we will tell you some characteristics of these Marine Mammals.


The beautiful Manatees are part of the Sirenia order. They have a peculiar appearance: a plump body and a round, large, and flattened tail. They are the only herbivorous Marine Mammals, which is why they are known as sea cows, they feed on algae, mangroves, and the seabed, and their essential function is to maintain the balance of ecosystems since it controls the propagation of aquatic plants, and maintaining an oxygenated environment for other species. We recommend you interact with the Manatees and let yourself fall in love with their tender personality. Learn about our interactive programs and live this experience.

@dolphindiscovery En #Septiembre estaremos conmemorando al Manatí, una especie en riesgo y que es parte del progrma de conservación de #dolphindiscovery #animalestiktok ♬ sonido original – dolphindiscovery

Sea Lions

The Sea Lions surprise us with their agility and speed since they can reach speeds up to 21.6 km/h. When you visit one of our Habitats, you will realize how strong and healthy our Sea Lions are because, in addition to receiving the best care from our Specialists, they have a diet specially designed to cover their nutritional needs. They feed on capelin, herring, anchovy, sardine, and squid.

Did you know that there are 15 species of Sea Lions in the world? And at Dolphin Discovery, you will be able to interact with the Californian Sea Lion and the South American or Patagonian Sea Lion.

As you will see, the world of Marine Mammals is amazing, and with our Interactive Programs, you can learn fascinating things like the anatomy of the Dolphins. Celebrate Dolphin Day with us this coming April 14 and find out about our promotions so that you can live the Experience of your Life.

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