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Stingray Facts


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Stingrays are fascinating creatures, as they float and fly through the oceans they appear almost bird-like in their motions.  We at Dolphin Discovery love all marine animals and would like to share a few fun stingray facts with you…..

Stingray facts:

– Stingrays are found in shallow waters in warm climates

– There are about 70 species of stingrays in the world

– There is no evidence of evolution in stingrays, ancient fossilized remains appear to be identical to the stingray of today

– Stingrays can live in saltwater or brackish waters (where saltwater and freshwater meet)

– Stingrays are related to sharks (some folks call them “flattened sharks”), unfortunately, while sharks may be family, they are also the biggest predators of stingrays

-Stingrays often take on the color of their environment for defense

– Stingrays spend a lot of time motionless, partially buried under sand

– Stingrays are usually docile and harmless, though they will use their barbed tails in defense (usually if they are stepped on)

– Stingray venom was used as an anesthetic in ancient Greece

– Stingrays may be as small as a few inches or up to 5 to 7 feet long

– Stingrays have no bones, they are primarily made of cartilage

– Stingrays are carnivores, hunting their prey (small fish, crabs, shrimp) at night

– Stingrays use their sense of smell and special electro-receptors to hunt their prey

– Stingray mamas give birth to two to ten stingray “pups” per year

– Stingrays have a lifespan of 15 to 25 years.

Dolphin Discovery is thrilled to offer our guests the opportunity to interact with these beautiful marine creatures.  Participants in the Grand Cayman Royal Swim receive a bonus swim with stingray experience, where you’ll be invited to stroke and hold the stingrays and our trainers will teach you everything you want to know about them.  Guests in our Cancun-Isla Mujeres dolphin habitat have the chance to snorkel in the sea with stingrays, a phenomenal experience!  We hope you learn to love stingrays as much as we do, join us at Dolphin Discovery!


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