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5 Interesting Facts About Manatees

Facts about Manatees

These 5 Curious Facts About Manatees that are Marine Mammals and live in shallow waters are gray in color, and their tail is similar to that of beavers; moving up and down to swim, they will surprise you! There are different types of Manatees, which could be found in Florida, the Mexican Gulf, the Caribbean Sea, the Amazon River, and even Africa. They can sometimes be found in the northwestern United States during the summer. That is why today we present them to you.

1. They are in Danger of Extinction

Manatees are an endangered species due to the pollution of the oceans. They have no natural predators.

The gestation of a Manatee lasts 13 months, and they can only give birth to one baby. They can get pregnant again every 3 to 4 years after giving birth.

This slow reproduction puts them in danger, so Dolphin Discovery is committed to this species and carries out the Miracle Program in some of its Habitats.

2. The Manatee’s Diet

Manatees do not eat meat; their diet is based on water plants such as algae, mangroves, and sea beds found in shallow water. Due to their diet rich in vegetable matter, they produce a high amount of gas due to digestion, making them float very easily. They need to drink fresh water at least once a week, and although they hydrate from plants, specimens have been observed drinking from freshwater sources. Can you imagine eating vegetables all day? Manatees use their lips and flippers to help them move plants into their mouths, which is why they don’t have teeth.

3. The Communication of Manatees

Another fact about Manatees is that they can interact and communicate with their social group without problems through physical contact, using their senses and vocalizations. They can emit different noises similar to the Dolphins; with them, they are responsible for reinforcing bonds between family members, partners, and sexual partners.

Manatees are not characterized by being social, but neither by being solitary. In reality, they are considered semi-social since they remain alone, in pairs, or in small groups, which tend to separate after a short time.

4. The Sleeping Habits in Manatees

Manatees rest during the night and day for short periods. Some rest just below the surface of the water, but generally, they sink to the bottom and come up to breathe every three to five minutes.

5. What is the Green Plant on Their Back?

Algae are plants that need water and sun to grow. The algae can help protect Manatees from the sun, and they use the algae like we use sunscreen, so we don’t get burned.

We are sure that you fell in love with all these facts about Manatees, so after reading this article, remember that the best way to protect them is to take care of the beaches, the sea, and the lakes.

Manatees are extremely important for the natural balance and preservation of ecosystems since they control the population of aquatic plants, favoring the transparency of the waters and maintaining an oxygenated environment so that other species can survive.

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