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Dolphins: Myths and Realities

Dolphins: Myths and Realities

Dolphins: Myths and Realities

The sea was the first home of living beings, some evolved and began to live on the surface while others have adapted to live in the immensity.

One of the most intelligent species that decided to live in the ocean were the dolphins. They, being a wonderful specie, live in groups of twelve called pods, and they can also get to swim at a speed of 5 to 11 km per hour. The bottlenose species that live at Dolphin Discovery emerge every 5 to 8 minutes to breathe through their respiratory hole.

To be an expert about dolphins we leave the bases to break with the paradigms:


A captive animal suffers of high stress that turns it aggressive.


Human interaction becomes a routine that gives them livelihood and security. A team of marine mammal specialists with over 110 years of accumulated experience overseeing the welfare of our guests and marine mammals.


The dolphins that live captive commit suicide because they stop breathing.


They do not commit suicide, there is nothing stronger in nature than the survival instinct. We have never seen a case of this kind, as the dolphins at Dolphin Discovery are so loved and thanks to the adequate living conditions that are in very wide spaces, their health is in good condition.


The dolphins that live in dolphinariums, are constantly fed by the public, causing obesity and risk of ingestion.


Their diet and weight are daily monitored. The dolphins have a normal weight and their feeding is under strict supervision of the resident veterinarian at each location.

So … when you hear that dolphins should be released, you should remind them that the laws in Mexico prohibit us from releasing dolphins, plus more than half of them were born under human care and would not be the best for them to live outside their birth group.

It is noteworthy that we join the cause to prohibit the capture and killing of dolphins in countries like Japan and the Solomon Islands, we fight for a better quality of life for dolphins in the oceans and boost each year belong to Alliance (International Association of Amusement Parks and Aquariums Marine Mammals).

To ensure an excellent quality of dolphin’s life is essential for everyone to admire and learn from these amazing creatures!

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