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Can You Swim With Dolphins?

girl do swim with dolphins

The swim with Dolphins has always been controversial, especially since there is a lot of disinformation regarding the care provided to these marine mammals and the conditions in which they live in Dolphin habitats such as Dolphin Discovery and some others in the world.

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals in the world because, in addition to having communication skills, they can organize themselves socially, which is why Dolphin Discovery has created various programs for the care, research, and conservation of Dolphins.

Myths and Realities of the Swim with Dolphins

The swim with Dolphins is one of the activities that people enjoy the most during their vacations. For this reason, various environmental groups have been created that generate disinformation with the aim of closing Dolphin habitats in Mexico.

Dolphins Do Not Live in Captivity

Contrary to what is believed, the Dolphins that live in the Dolphin Discovery habitats don’t live in captivity since they are not subjected to any stress. They are fed daily according to their needs and live in small herds as they would in the wild.

In the same way, specialists in marine mammals play with the Dolphins or encourage social coexistence among them as they would in their natural habitat, so when doing any swim with Dolphins program, be sure that these friendly marine mammals enjoy it so much or more than you.

Dolphins Request Help in Dangerous Situations

On some occasions, and as has happened in Dolphin Discovery, many Dolphins recognize or communicate with other pods of Dolphins, so they come to Dolphin habitats to escape predators.

Some of them arrive very injured from having been injured by fishing nets or by the propellers of boats that swim very close to their natural habitats.

Likewise, Dolphin Discovery has a “Rescue Team,” which collaborates with authorities at all levels to provide medical aid to marine species that arrive injured or are stranded on the coast.

Dolphins Are Not Used for Reproductive Purposes

Part of the ideology of environmental groups is that Dolphins are set up to breed for profit. Dolphins don’t breed in captive conditions that cause them stress.

More than 200 Dolphins have been born in Dolphin Discovery, given the magnificent living conditions in the different marine habitats. Thanks to this, programs such as “Miracle” have been created, providing all the conditions and care in all phases of the Dolphins’ pregnancy.

Dolphins Are Carriers of Diseases

Environmental groups claim that dolphins can infect humans with respiratory diseases, among others, either by bacteria or viruses. Still, it has been scientifically confirmed that this could be possible after having been in contact with marine animals for a long time, including years.

In any case, at Dolphin Discovery, the Dolphins are continuously checked and treated in case of any disease. In these cases, they are kept in a shelter to avoid spreading mainly to other Dolphins before humans visit the habitats.

Where to Swim With Dolphins?

There are several places to enjoy a magnificent swimming program with Dolphins in Mexico and the world. However, we recommend you do it in companies endorsed by international institutions such as the International Association of Marine Animal Trainers (IMATA) and the Alianza of Marine Parks and Aquariums (AMMPA), among others.

As you can see, it is possible to swim with Dolphins, especially in Dolphin habitats such as Dolphin Discovery, which promote the care and well-being of all the marine species that live there.

Do not hesitate any longer and live your dream of the swim with Dolphins without worries or regrets since they will be more than happy to spend a few minutes with you.

Have you already decided where you are going to swim with Dolphins on your next vacation?

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